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Our Vision

Transitions Life Center is committed to building a community of acceptance where adults with physical and mental disabilities can live safe, caring and enriching lives. We will strive to serve these individuals in ways that help them to realize their full potential while creating the least restrictive environment possible to foster the growth of each individual.


Who We Are

TLC is a privately funded non-profit organziation made up of parents, family members, educators and people from your community, dedicated to improving the lives of post graduate, young adults with special needs.

Our Mission

Transitions Life Center is an organization whose sole purpose is to provide a safe, caring and enriching community for physically and metally impaired adults

What We Offer

We will provide young adults a community center that will have structured continuing education in life skills, social skills and recreational activities. Our long term goal is to provide a residential facility with all levels of assistance, a place where they can live meaningful productive lives despite their challenges.

Who We Will Offer These Services To:

Services will be offered to post graduate young adults with special needs in living in Marion and the surrounding counties. All Applicants will be evaluated and selected for specific programs based on their individual needs.

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